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Past Research Projects

Interdisciplinary and Impactful Sport Research


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Connection Grant ($49,882)


Collaborators: Larena Hoeber, Marika Warner, Michael Naraine, Audrey Giles



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Rural Canada and COVID-19: Understanding the impacts, responses, and recovery needs for rural resilience


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Partnership Engage Grant ($24,246)


Co-Investigator: Dr. Heather Hall


Partner Organization: The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation


State of Rural Canada 2021: Opportunities, Recovery, and Resiliency in Changing Times


COVID-19 and Rural Canada: Rural Impacts and Resilience

Creating Inclusive Economies: Building bridges between the public, private, and civil society sectors


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Connection Grant ($49,715).


Co-Investigator: Audrey Keating, Dr. Laurie M. Brinklow, Dr. Nathalie Lewis, Dr. Sarah-Patricia Breen, Dr. Sarah R. L. Minnes


Creating Inclusive Economies: Building Bridges Between Public, Private and Civil Society Sectors, 2022 Hybrid Conference 


Creating Inclusive Economies: 2021 Virtual Conference

Program Evaluation for VicHealth Investments in Participation and Health Through Sport


In collaboration with the Centre for Sport and Social Impact at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria


Participant-Centered sport development: A case study using the leisure constraints of women in regional communities

Sport and Recreation in Rural Canadian Communities


Participatory research project with the Municipality of Powassan.


Awarded SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarship.


Insiders, outsiders, and agents of change: First person action inquiry in community sport management

The Impact of Recreational and Participatory Sporting Events on the Adaptation of Newcomers to Canada


Collaborators: Dr. Laura Misener, The Community Cup



"Community Cup, We Are a Big Family”: Examining         Social Inclusion and Acculturation of Newcomers to Canada through a Participatory Sport Event

Interdisciplinary and Impactful Sport Research


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Connection Grant ($49,882)


Collaborators: Larena Hoeber, Marika Warner, Michael Naraine, Audrey Giles



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Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Cultural Safety Training


$10, 000 University of Ottawa Internal Interdisciplinary Grant competition


Collaborators: Dr. Audrey Giles, Canadian Red Cross


Managing Diversity to Provide Culturally Safe Sport Programming: A Case Study of the Canadian Red Cross’s Swim Program

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