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Peer Reviewed Publications

Rich, K. A., Nelson, G.,* Borgen-Flood, T.,* & Pegoraro, A. (In Press). Regional Policy and Organizational Fields in Multi-level Sport Governance. European Sport Management Quarterly (Special issue on Agency and Institutions in Sport).

Quinton, J.* & Rich, K. A. (2023). Gay men, Sport Participation, and Wellbeing: A Phenomenological Analysis. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health.

Llewellyn, J.* & Rich, K. A., (2023). Youth Development in Municipal Recreation Policy: A Case Study of Ontario Canada. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics (Special Issue on Politics of Physical Activity).

Barnes, M., Gatti, E., & Rich, K. A. (2023). Assessing the relevance of parks in a multi-sectoral park-health program. Managing Sport and Leisure. 28(5), 473-489

Rich, K. A., Jenkin, C., Millar, P., Sveinson, K., & Sherry, E. (2022). Editorial: Sport and Community. Frontiers: Sports and Active Living. 

Rich, K. A., Moore, E.*, Pegoraro, A., Boggs, J. (2022). Mapping Women’s Community Sport Participation to Inform Sport Development Initiatives: A Case Study of Row Ontario.  Frontiers: Sports and Active Living. (Special Topic on Engaging Women and Girls in Community Sport).

Rich, K. A. & Sharpe, E. (2022). Securing hipster leisure: Park policy in gentrifying neighbourhoods. Annals of Leisure Research (Special Issue on Transformations, Transgressions, and Leisure during COVID-19).

Misener, L., Rich, K. A., & Pearson, E.* (2022). Tensions and Opportunities in Researching Social Change in Sport Management. Sport Management Review, 25(2), 323-340.

Rich, K. A. & Breunig, M. (2022). Cultural Safety: A lens for leisure provision in cross-cultural contexts.  Managing Sport and Leisure. 27(4), 366-380.

Rich, K. A., Nicholson, M., Randle, E., Staley, K., O’Halloran, P., Belski, R., Kappelides, P., & Donaldson, A. (2022). Participant-Centered sport development: A case study using the leisure constraints of women in regional communities. Leisure Sciences, 44(3), 323-342.

Nelson, G.* & Rich, K. A. (2022). Community Context and Therapeutic Recreation Programming in Rural Long-Term Care: A Socio-ecological Examination. Leisure/Loisir, 46(1), 97-122. 

Quinton, J.,* Giles, A. R., & Rich, K. A. (2022). Missing masculinities: The need for gender transformative approaches in water safety promotion for men. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(1), 148-150. 

Romano, E.* K., Rich, K. A., Quesnel, D. (2021). Leveraging sports events for LGBTQ2+ inclusion: Supporting innovation in organizational culture and practices. Case Studies in Sport Management, 10(S1), S36-S40.

Kattsir, J.* & Rich, K. A. (2021). A review of social outcomes for youth in camp-based settings. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. 33(4), 18-25.

Rich, K. A., Spaaij, R., & Misener, L. (2021). Theorizing Community for Sport Management Research and Practice. Frontiers: Sports and Active Living. 3(774366), 1-12.

Rich, K. A. (2021). Rural sport spectacles: Ice hockey, mythologies, and meaning-making in rural Canada. Leisure Sciences, 43(6), 617-629 (Special Issue on Leisure myths and myth-making).

McKeown, J. & Rich, K. A. (2021). Exploring Work-Life Balance for Recreation and Leisure Professionals Enrolled in an Undergraduate Degree Pathway Program. Scholé: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 36(1-2), 91-104 (Special issue on Contemporary student experiences).

Markey, S., Weekend, A., Hall, H., Rich, K. A., Hudson, A., & Minnes, S. (2021). Editorial: COVID-19 and Rural Canada: Rural Impacts and Resilience. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 16(4), i-vii.

Rich, K. A. (2021). Rural-urban interdependencies: Thinking through the implications of space, leisure, politics, and health. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 190-196.

Rich, K. A., Hoeber, L. & Weisgerber, A. (2020). The Battle of Little Big Puck: Narratives of Community, Sport, and Relationships in Rural Canada. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 15(3), 45-64.

Smart, S*., Rich, K. A., & Lauzon, A. (2020). Exploring the role of sport in the acculturation and livelihoods of newcomers to Canada. Journal of Sport for Development, 8(14) (Special issue on Sport and Livelihoods). 

Rich, K. A. & Misener, L. (2020). Get Active Powassan: Developing sport and recreation programs and policies through participatory action research in a rural community context. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health, 12(2), 272-288.

Rich, K. A. & Misener, L. (2019). Playing on the periphery: Troubling sport policy, systemic exclusion, and the place of rural sport in Canada. Sport in Society, 22(6), 1005-1024.

Singer, J. N., Shaw, S., Hoeber, L., Walker, N., Rich, K. A., & Agyemang, K. (2019). Critical Conversations About Qualitative Research in Sport Management. Journal of Sport Management, 33(1), 50-63.

Rich, K. A., & Misener, L. (2017). Insiders, Outsiders, and Agents of Change: First Person Action Inquiry in Community Sport Management. Sport Management Review, 20(1), 8-19.

Rich, K., A. & Giles, A. R. (2015). Managing Diversity to Provide Culturally Safe Sport Programming: A Case Study of the Canadian Red Cross’ Swim Program. Journal of Sport Management, 29(3), 305-317.

Rich, K., Misener, L., & Dubeau, D. (2015). Community Cup, We are a Big Family: Examining the Social Inclusion and Acculturation of Newcomers to Canada Through a Participatory Sport Event. Social Inclusion, 3(3), 129-141. 

Rich, K., & Bean, C., & Apramian, Z. (2014). Boozing, brawling, and community building: Sport-facilitated community development in a rural Ontario community. Leisure/Loisir, 38(1), 73-92.

Rich, K., & Giles, A. R. (2014). Examining Whiteness and Eurocanadian Discourses in the Canadian Red Cross’ Swim Program. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 38(5), 465-485.

Golob, M., Giles, A. R., & Rich, K. (2013). Identifying promising practices for enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of water safety education for ethnic and cultural minorities. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 7(1), 39-55. 

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Book Chapters

Rich, K. A. & McGannon, K. (under review). Reviewing participatory research: Guiding principals and considerations. In, K. A. Rich, R. Smith*, & A. R. Giles, Participatory Research in Sport and Exercise. Routledge.

Weeden, S. A.*, Rich, K. A., & @ParkdaleLife^ (accepted). Gentrification, resistance, and the re-conceptualization of community through place-based social media: The future will not be instagrammed. In, A. Domaradzka & P. Hamel (Eds.), The Elgar Handbook of Urban Social Movements.

Rich, K. A. (2023). Events, rural-urban interdependencies, and rural community development. In, Mair, H. (Ed.), The Elgar Handbook of Tourism and Rural Community Development.

Trussell, D., Rich, K. A., & Quinton, J.* (2023). Towards a critical inclusion of LGB youth in coaching contexts. In, M. Toms, & R. Jeans (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Coaching Children in Sport.

Houston, C.*, Rich, K. A., Smith, T.* & Pegoraro, A. (2021). “I want justice and more”: Loreto, Carcillo, and dominant narratives of hockey culture on Twitter. In C. MacDonald & J. Edwards (Eds.), Overcoming the Neutral Zone Trap (pp. 49-68). University of Alberta Press.

Rich, K. A. & Misener, L. (2020). Resisting, reproducing, and recreating rurality: Leisure in contemporary rural communities. In T. Glover & E. Sharpe (Eds.), Leisure Communities: Rethinking Mutuality, Collective Identity and Belonging in the New Century (pp. 192-201). Routledge.

Rich, K. A., Misener, L, and the Trout Creek Community Centre Board. (2017). Community Centres as Spaces for Sport, Recreation, and Resiliency: The Case of the Trout Creek Community Centre. In L. Brinklow & R. Gibson (Eds.), Building Community Resilience: From Black Horses to White Steeds (pp. 109-131). Charlottetown, PE: Island Studies Press.

Rich, K. A. & Misener, L. (2017). From Canada with Love: Human Rights, Soft Power, and the Pridehouse Movement. In C. Esherick, B. Baker, S. Jackson, & M. Sam (Eds.), Case Studies in Sport Diplomacy. Morgantown, WV: Fit Publishing.

Doherty, A. & Rich, K. A. (2015). Sport for Community Development. In M. Bowers & M. Dixon (Eds.), Sport Management: An Exploration of the Field and its Value. Sagamore.

Houston, C.*, Rich, K. A., Smith, T.* & Pegoraro, A. (2021). “I want justice and more”: Loreto, Carcillo, and dominant narratives of hockey culture on twitter. In C. MacDonald & J. Edwards (Eds.), Overcoming the Neutral Zone Trap (pp. 49- 68). University of Alberta Press.

Rich, K. A. & Misener, L. (2020). Resisting, reproducing, and recreating rurality: Leisure in contemporary rural communities. In T. Glover & E. Sharpe (Eds.), Leisure Communities: Rethinking Mutuality, Collective Identity and Belonging in the New Century (pp. 192-201). Routledge.

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Rich, K. A., Bean, C., Losardo, D., Morrish, J., & Allen, V.^ (2023). Beyond Outputs: Evaluating Knowledge Translation in Sport Management and Policy Research. North American Society for Sport Management, Montreal, QC.

Hill, T*, Rich, K.A., Glover, T., Sharpe, E., & Oncescu, J. (2023). On ‘public’ parks: The politics of urban parks during and post-pandemic. Canadian Congress of Leisure Studies, Ottawa, ON.

Rich, K. A., Hoeber, L., Bean, C., Joseph, J., Bundon, A., Smith, R.,* Robinson, J.^ (2023). Interdisciplinary and Impactful Sport Research. Canadian Congress of Leisure Studies, Ottawa, ON.

Rich, K. A. (2022). Working together on mental health promotion: Partnerships in the Sport and Recreation Sector. Workshop organized for the MLSE Launchpad Research to Practice Symposium, Toronto, ON.

Rich, K. A., Pegoraro, A. (2022). Sport participation policy and politics. Session organized for the North American Sociology of Sport Conference, Montreal, QC.

Rich, K. A., Smith, R., Giles, A., Darroch, F., Hayhurst, L., & Dao, M. (2022). Critically examining the practicalities of participatory research in sport. Panel organized for the North American Sociology of Sport Conference, Montreal, QC.

Smith, R., Rich, K. A., Giles, A., Darroch, F., Hayhurst, L., & Dao, M. (2022). Participatory and action-oriented research in sport. Session organized for the North American Sociology of Sport Conference, Montreal, QC.

Hall, H., Rich, K. A., & Nelson, G.* (2021). State of Rural Canada 2021 Report Launch. Panel discussion at Creating Inclusive Economies: Building Bridges Between the Public, Private, and Civil Society Sectors Conference (Virtual). Retrieved from 

Rich, K. A. (2021). Knowledge Translation Field School. Workshop series facilitated for students and early career scholars associated with the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (Virtual).

Hoeber, L., Sveinson, K., Shaw, S., Misener, K., Rich, K. A., Chen, C. (2021). Insights about publishing qualitative research from ‘Reviewer 2’: Conversations and collective learning. Workshop facilitated at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference (Virtual).

Smith, R. & Rich, K. A. (2021). Promoting participatory action research methodologies within leisure studies. Workshop Series organized for the Leisure Studies Journal. Awarded Maureen Harington Fund (£2990). June 17th-July 1st, 2021. See recordings

Rich, K. A. & Wickenhauser, J.^ (2020). Setting a Research Agenda for Prides in Smaller Centres and Rural Areas. Workshop facilitated at the Fierté Canada Pride Annual Conference, Regina, SK.

Rich, K. A. (2019). A reading with Lucy Flawless. Panel/Discussion hosted by the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies, and the Social Justice Research Institute, Brock University, St Catharines, ON.

Rich, K. A. & Barnes, M. (2019). Leveraging inter-sectoral partnerships to improve mental health through green exercise. Workshop facilitated for Toronto Parks, Forestry, & Recreation Annual Community Recreation Conference, Toronto, ON.

Rich, K. A. (2019). Get Active Powassan: Developing sport and recreation programs and policies through participatory action research in a rural community context. Presented at the Transforming Sport Early Career Researcher and Doctoral Student Workshop, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.

Rich, K. A. (2019). Cultural Safety for Camp Programmers and Administrators. Workshop facilitated for the Ontario Camps Association Annual Conference, Markham, ON.

Rich, K. A., & Adams, C. (2018). Rural Sport: Context, processes, and outcomes. Session organized for the North American Sociology of Sport Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Rich, K. A., Kope, J., & Wenninger, D. (2018). Understanding and Improving Capacity within Diverse Community Contexts and Organizations. Workshop facilitated for Gathering Strength: Framework for Recreation in Canada 2018 hosted by Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Associate, Regina, SK.

Rosenthal, M., van Ingen, C., Adams, M. L., Mills, C., Rich, K. A., & Liao, J. (2017). Embodied Learning: Engaging Bodies through Film. Panel presentation for the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference, Windsor, ON.

Chalip, L., Green, B., Misener, R., Taks, M., & Rich, K. A. (2017). Getting Some Action: Building Sport Management Theory and Practice through Action Research. Symposium at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Denver, CO.

Singer, J. N., Shaw, S., Hoeber, L., Walker, N., Rich, K. A., & Agyemang, K. (2017). Critical Conversations About Qualitative Research in Sport Management. Symposium at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Denver, CO.

Musser, A., Smith, N., Rich, K. A. & Wasser, K. (2016). Moving from Research Idea to Research Agenda: How to Develop Your Research Road Map as a Graduate Student. Symposium at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Orlando, FL.

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